Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gifts for a friend's baby shower

I went hog wild this time. I usually do. All of you ladies with kids have one up on those of us who don't. We only get to shop for baby stuff when YOU get pregnant! So I pretty much spent what probably amounts to the same as is in my 401k right now on BABY STUFF!

But that's not what I'm here to talk about at all. I am here to post pictures of my sweet gift wrapping macguyver job!

There were absolutely NO interesting or unique baby gift wrapping paper rolls to buy. I could have opted for a bag, and it is more sensible, but bleeeeeeeh.

So I dug around in the garage and presto! Here we have my newest creations and I fell in love with them. Now mind you, I am not a professional, so those of you who ARE talented, feel free to improve on my idea, but for crying out loud give credit for the idea where it's due.

Numero UNO: Paper tablecloth might be a Holly Hobby knock-off, but look at those bright oranges! sweeeeet. Not a stickler for detail, I didn't bother to use at least one layer of tissue paper so nobody could tell I was re-using a USPS priority mail box but whateeeeev.

Next is a bright couple of pages from a 1945 or so issue of Woman's Home Companion. I used pages that had momma/baby subject matter.