Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer entertaining and the perfect gift - Bedside Pitcher

I call this the perfect gift, but of course it isn't for everyone. Just MOST people. It is an excellent housewarming gift. I like to give this to anyone who has a guest room whenever the occasion calls for a gift.

Where can you find one of these? They aren't as common as you would think. I have purchased at least a dozen from Pier1, and at only $7.00, it is a KILLER deal, especially when you have to nurture your inner sucker if you fall for Crate & Barrel's pricing for what appears to be the same exact thing at $14.95.

Wrapables offers a slightly different design, which I do not have. Looks cute. I like the handle. But I'm not paying the advertised $21.95 and that's final.

The sad loser is Restoration Hardware. What a disappointment! Nice design, but is it WORTH $25? Do not think so, dear. They do redeem themselves slightly with looks to me to be the most attractive design out of them all, with a price which unfortunately is not as bad as some. They call it their Bottle Carafe.

One might suspect that I am a cheapskate. But it's not the case. As I always say: When you are poor, you are either responsible with what little you have or you are an idiot. The idea of being cheap is not a factor. Anyway.

I may be persuaded to spend a bit extra just because I love VivaTerra. Their version of the above is recycled and seems to have a slight blue-green tint. $24.

The wonderful thing about these little sets is that you do not have to use it for just water. You like mojitos but your friend wants a margarita on the rocks? No problem! Make a small pitcher of each. Great, it's only 10 a.m. and I'm already wishing I had a mojito.

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