Tuesday, March 27, 2007

#90 May '01 & #103 June '02


using planters for tea

window seat, built-in bookcase seat, hallway bench, daybed chest p146

-healthy tomato plants p50
-maintaining polished granite p54
-fondue etiquette p58
-summer-izing the house p150
-making flower cones p156
-making a maypole p158

maypole cake

-hollandaise sauce 101 p98
-eggless rhubarb and strawberry ice cream p240
-mini coconut cupcakes p240
-cream cheese icing p240

#103 June '02
plant platform

bamboo trellis p88

table set

-caring for outdoor furniture p128
-ideas for storing wine p132

-custom lemonade p64 "provide separate containers of ingredients-let everyone mix a glass to his own taste"

steadying kabobs p64 "spear them on two skewers for flipping and to ensure that the veggies don't fall into the coals."

-coconut milk horchata p73
-mashed potatoes and peas p226
-risotto and peas p228
-cucumber salad p234
-garden tomato salad p234
-sorbet p238
-vegetable stock p144

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